Get out faster with a simplified morning routine

Get out faster with a simplified morning routine

If you feel like you are always rushing out the door after searching for your keys/phone/bag/etc, you aren’t alone. I spent years frantically running out the door just in time, often only to have to turn around because I forgot my laptop, wallet or lunch. That is, until I simplified my morning routine. Here are some tips that you can use to help simplify yours:

If you use a purse, attach your keys to it

If you have ever left the house without your ID, attach your keys to whatever holds your ID. I use a wristlet wallet, but this will work if you use a purse as well. By having my keys attached to my wallet using a simple clip hook, I never drive off without my ID.

Designate a hook or shelf to put your keys and wallet or purse

Be sure to choose a location that you always pass when coming in the door and be sure it is before any surfaces that you would be tempted to throw your keys down on instead. Since I use a wristlet a simple hook works great for me, but for those of you who use a purse, a shelf might be better. If you just have a wallet that goes in your pocket, you might consider using a shelf with a bowl on it to contain your wallet and keys.

Cell Phone

I admit this one is a little harder since most of us now-a-days use our cell phones as alarms in the morning. I’ve found that my phone normally needs charging in the morning so I’ve made it part of my morning routine to keep the charger on the corner of the kitchen counter and plugging my phone in there as soon as I get up. That way, when I am leaving in the morning I know where to find it. I’ll admit, this only works for the first time you leave the house for the day unless every time you finish using it you place it back in it’s charging location. For other times, you can go high-tech and install an app or get a tile or other tracker. There are loads of apps for helping people find their phones so there is sure to be something that works for you if you decide to go that route. Otherwise, the best low-cost low-tech option besides keeping it in a designated spot when not in use is getting a brightly colored case to make it easy to spot your phone.

Taking too much time to figure out what to wear

This was always a real struggle for me until I started picking out one weeks worth of outfits on Sunday evening and having them in a designated section of the closet. This way there is no thinking required, just grab the next pre-determined outfit. I make sure everything needed for the outfit is together all the way down to the accessories. by taking this task out of my daily morning routine, I have more time in the morning. I chose Sunday because the weekends are usually when I do my laundry, I’d recommend doing this on the day that you do the most laundry. To make it go even quicker, or if picking out a weeks worth of clothes isn’t for you, try simplifying your closet. Pick separates that all go together and have only a couple weeks worth of tops and bottoms, this will make it much easier to find things that go together. If you have certain outfits that you love to wear, you can also try hanging them together every time you put laundry away so you have an outfit ready for the days you are short on time. No matter what method you choose, I recommend picking an outfit for the next day at least the night before and make sure everything you need for it is in one place.

Not enough time for breakfast

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but as a society we often don’t make time for it. If you find yourself skipping it or grabbing that donut on the way to work when you’d rather have a healthier meal, try to stock up on some quick on-the-go options. Some of my favorites are overnight oats. You can find tons of overnight oats receipts online, but the base generally involves putting oats, milk, and some cut up fruit in a container the night before and let it set in the fridge overnight. The next morning you just pull it out, stir and enjoy for added crunch you can add a handful of nuts in the morning. If I didn’t prep that the night before I’ll have a granola based bar or I’ll mix up some yogurt, granola, and nuts together. These are all great options and are quicker than stopping at a store for breakfast on the go.

What is your time saving morning routine for getting out the door?

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