Be sure to keep up with our monthly articles for organizing tips, tricks and motivation to achieve and sustain a more organized home. As Albert Einstein once said, “organized people are just too lazy to go looking for what they want.” I for one hate spending time searching for something that I know I have “somewhere.” By having a more organized home, you’ll spend less time looking for things and you will free up time to do the things that matter most to you. A home organized using systems that work for you also makes it easier to put things away and makes it faster to clean (and who wants to spend more time than needed cleaning). As Benjamin Franklin once said, “for every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.”

Since there isn’t a one-system-fits-all organizing trick, there are lots of things you can try to figure out what works best for you and I’ll outline options in these monthly blogs. You are free to try any of the organizing tips and tricks here yourself or you can call me and I can help you determine what may work best for you and guide you to a system that will work best for you and your family. For more information see our list of services or learn more about me. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook for weekly tips and challenges.

  • Start Small, Be Consistent, Big Changes Will Come
    You are fed up and want your whole house organized, but you don’t know where to begin. If this sounds like you, the method that I find works best is to start small. Focus on one category such as the bathroom, the coat closet, all clothing, or pots and pans and follow these organizing steps. Organizing Steps Sort Items Once your area of focus has been determined, pull out everything in that category out and…
  • Get out faster with a simplified morning routine
    If you feel like you are always rushing out the door after searching for your keys/phone/bag/etc, you aren’t alone. I spent years frantically running out the door just in time, often only to have to turn around because I forgot my laptop, wallet or lunch. That is, until I simplified my morning routine. Here are some tips that you can use to help simplify yours: If you use a purse, attach your keys to it…


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